November 2024. Gould Center, Institute of Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR), New York. Invited lecture on the Tavistock Work Discussion Seminar and the role of Wilfred Bion.
October 2023. Roskilde University, Denmark. Invited lecture and workshop on ganging processes.
July 2023. Wessex Psychotherapy Society, Chandlers Ford, UK. Invited lecture on ganging processes.
June 2023. Tavistock Clinic, London (M4 programme). Invited lecture and workshop on ganging processes.
January 2023. Tavistock Clinic, London. Research traditions in the social sciences.
December 2022. Tavistock Clinic, London. Crafting a literature review.
November 2022. Tavistock Clinic, London (D10/ED10 programme). Envy and jealousy in the workplace.
October 2022. Danish OHS Association, Nyborg, Denmark. Keynote speech at Annual Lab22 Conference.
September, 2022. HULT Ashridge Business School, Berkhamsted, UK. Keynote speech at International Relational Coaching Conference.
May 2022. Wessex Psychotherapy Society, UK. Invited lecture on whistleblowing.
May 2022. Group Relations Australia. Invited lecture on whistleblowing.
April 2022. Tavistock Clinic, London. Lecture on publishing one’s work.
November 2021. OPUS. Invited lecture on ‘Lord of the flies: A psychoanalytic view of the gang and its processes’. Chaired by Dame Ruth Silver (for Youtube video, please see under ‘media’ above).
October 2021. ARIELE (Italian Association of Psychosocioanalysis). Invited panelist on ‘Spoken and unspoken issues about fears and transformation’.
June 2018. Tavistock Clinic/University of Essex. Inaugural Keynote paper on ‘crafting original doctoral theses and journal articles’, for the Organization and Consultation Annual Doctoral Conference.
March 2018. Further Education Trust for Leadership 2018 Annual Lecture. Keynote paper on whistleblowers (for Youtube videos, please see under ‘media’ above).
October 2017. Inter-disciplinary seminar on psychoanalysis, St John’s College, Oxford. Invited lecture on trauma, leadership and the origins of the eurozone crisis.
September 2017. New Imago Forum, Jesus College, Oxford. Lecture on whistleblowers.
July 2017. Institute of Psychoanalysis, London. Invited lecture on trauma, leadership and the origins of the eurozone crisis.
June 2017. ESRC Seminar, London, on ‘Narcissism and Destructive Leadership’. Keynote speaker.
October 2016. Inter-disciplinary seminar on psychoanalysis, St John’s College, Oxford. Invited lecture on leadership and revenge.
December 2015, Annual International Studying Leadership Conference, University of Lancaster. Keynote speech on leadership and revenge.
May 2014, Greek Leadership Congress, Athens. Keynote speech on narcissistic leadership.
June 2013, Annual Conference of ISPSO (International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations), Oxford. Keynote speech on trauma, leadership and the origins of the eurozone crisis.
June 2013, International Developing Leadership Capacity Conference in Limerick, Ireland. Keynote speech on trauma, leadership and the origins of the eurozone crisis.
March 2013, ARIELE (Italian Association for Psychosocioanalysis) Conference, Milan, Italy. Keynote speech on trauma, leadership and the origins of the eurozone crisis (for Youtube video, please see under ‘media’ above).
May 2011, International conference on envy at work at UNITO, Turin, Italy. Keynote speech on envy, jealousy and leadership.
March 2011, Centre for Organizational Psychology Inaugural Conference, University of Roskilde, Denmark. Keynote speech on envy, jealousy and leadership.
March 2010, Conference on Psychoanalysis and the Economy, University of Essex. Keynote speech on leadership, hubris and the credit crisis.
November 2009, Annual Conference of OPUS (Organization for Promoting the Understanding of Society). Keynote speech on hubris and a culture of narcissism and mania in the lead up to the 2008 credit crisis.
June 2007, Leadership Academy for South-East England, Royal Holloway, University of London. Keynote speech on pride, narcissism and leadership.
October 2006, Corporate Research Forum, at the Institute of Directors, London. Keynote speech on the strengths, limitations and dangers of narcissistic leaders.